Why settle for being average? Whether you're buying, managing, or flipping properties, the Michiana Rental Association is here to provide you with the tools you need to excel. Join our thriving community and jumpstart your business today. Don't go it alone - let seasoned keep you on the path to success!
& Events
Our regular meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of the month. The first meeting is free, and you can find out more about how your business will benefit. Meetings are held at the Dunlap Martin's Supermarket, just south of the Concord Mall in upstairs meeting room. (3800 Mishawaka Road E, Elkhart, IN 46517) Doors open at 6:30, Meetings start at 7:00.

What are Members Saying?
“The MRA allows me to spend time with like minded investors.”
“I got 16 units out of just 2 deals from connections made thorough the MRA.”
“I have learned enough from the MRA to pay for 10 years of membership”